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"Advocating for the ethical treatment of human remains at the 9/11 Memorial Museum"


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Who We Are

Dr. Rosaleen Tallon  lost her only sibling, USMC Reservist & Probationary FF. Sean Patrick Tallon, age 26, at the WTC. A mother of three, she holds a doctorate degree in Education from Columbia University and has taught science for several years. As family liaison for the Advocates for 9-11 Fallen Heroes, she contacted and polled uniformed rescue personnel family members so as to accurately represent their wishes regarding the way the names of the fallen would be inscribed on the memorial. She was instrumental in drafting a complete inscription proposal that was accepted by civilian family groups, uniformed rescue personnel family groups, and rescue worker unions. In 2006, Dr. Tallon led a family group vigil of honor by remaining at the WTC site for 21 days and nights, calling for a respectful memorial which lists names and information about the victims above the ground. The vigil's end resulted in the names being brought above ground.

Alexander W. Santora (retired Deputy Chief of the FDNY - 40+ years of service) lost his only son Christopher (age 23) on September 11, 2001. Chief Santora received both his B.S.(fire science) and M.S. (public administration) from John Jay College of Criminal Justice. In addition, he has 30 post graduate credits in education. He was the chief in charge of Safety for the FDNY for 12 years. He was also an adjunct professor in NYU for High Rise Safety for 22 years. Since 2005, he has been a docent at the Tribute Center and a member and board member of the advisory committee for the Sept. 11 Education Trust. Since 2002, he has been a volunteer at the National Fallen Firefighter Foundation. He is an advocate for justice regarding numerous issues concerning September 11, 2001 including FDNY radio failures, human remains at Fresh Kills, issues regarding the memorial and museum, and safety of new construction in NYC. He is a member of several 9/11 groups.

Maureen Santora (retired staff developer and educator - Dept. of Education NYC- 27 years of service) lost her only son Christopher (age 23) on September 11, 2001. Christopher was one of the youngest firefighters to die that day. She holds a B.A (Pace University-Psychology/Education), an M.S. (Hunter College - Special Education), an MAS (Bank Street College - School Administration) and 30 post graduate credits in education. She was awarded Teacher of the Year in District 30, Queens in 1990 and 2000. She has been a docent at the Tribute Center since 2005 and is a member and board member of the advisory committee for the Sept. 11 Education Trust, working on the National curriculum of Sept 11, 2001. She is the author of 3 children's books on September 11 2001: "The Day the Towers Fell"," My Son Christopher," and "We Remember." She has been a volunteer at the National Fallen Firefighter Foundation since 2002. She is an advocate for justice regarding numerous issues regarding September 11, 2001 including FDNY radio failures, human remains at Fresh Kills, issues regarding the Memorial and Museum, and safety of new construction in NYC. She is a member of several 9/11 groups.

Sally Regenhard lost her only son, USMC & FF Christian Regenhard, Age 28, on 9/11. He was one of 17 Probationary Firefighters lost at the WTC. Ms. Regenhard is the Founder & Chairperson of The Skyscraper Safety Campaign, an award-winning 9/11 organization which advocates for Firefighter, building & public safety. She has led successful campaigns for building and fire code reform, and advocates for enhanced emergency radio communication for FF's and other first responders. Her group has testified to City, State & Federal Agencies on the failures associated with 9/11 & The SSC successfully sued the City of NY for release of the 9/11 tapes & transmissions. Her group remains committed to a respectful and safe memorial and to ending the exemptions and immunities of the Port Authority in the construction of the WTC.

Deputy Chief Jim Riches is the father of four NYC Firefighter sons. His eldest son, Jimmy, of Engine 4 perished on 9/11/01 in the North Tower. Deputy Chief Riches recently retired from the FDNY with a 9/11 lung injury after 31 years of service in the busiest sections of NYC. D.C. Riches led search and recovery teams at WTC from 9/11/01 until the site closed in May 2002. He is the Chairman of 9/11 Parents and Families of Firefighters and is an outspoken leader regarding 9/11 issues. He has testified to the City Council, State, and Federal Agencies on a variety of Firefighter and GZ related topics. He has made a fact finding trip to Guantanamo Bay and represented the NYC uniformed services at a recent meeting with President Barack Obama in Washington, DC and is greatly concerned with the 9/11 Memorial issues.

Lt Jim McCaffrey lost his brother-in-law FDNY Battalion Chief Orio J. Palmer of Battalion 7 (Manhattan). LT McCaffrey is an active FDNY LT with 25 years of service. He has been involved in 9/11 issues since completing months of rescue and recovery work at Ground Zero in May 2002. He currently serves as Co-chair of The Advocates for a 9/11 Fallen Heroes Memorial, a group he has been a part of since 2002. LT McCaffrey has organized and taken part in numerous 9/11 family initiatives including press conferences, rallies, and petition drives that were dedicated to advancing the concerns of 9/11 families and first responders. He continues to work closely with many 9/11 families and family organizations.

Rosemary Cain is the mother of FF George C. Cain, a veteran of Ladder 7 who was lost along with six of his FF brothers at the WTC on 9/11. Rosemary is a member of several 9/11 Advocacy groups and has been a long time participant and a leading advocate for numerous WTC and FDNY related issues, including WTC Families for Proper Burial, 9/11 Parents & Families of Firefighters & WTC Victims, and The Skyscraper Safety Campaign. She is a member of the FDNY Family Advisory Committee and is a member of the Freeport Family Group. She is a passionate spokesperson for the rights of 9/11 Parents and Families.

Glenn Corbett is the Chief Technical Advisor to the Skyscraper Safety Campaign and advises several 9/11 organizations and GZ area community/civic groups regarding public safety issues. He is an associate professor of fire science at John Jay College of Criminal Justice where he also the chair of the Department Of Protection Management. Prof. Corbett is the technical editor of Fire Engineering magazine and has testified before both the 9/11 Commission and the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science regarding the World Trade Center disaster. He was the only NYC area fire expert to serve on the Federal Advisory Committee of the NIST federal investigation of the WTC collapse A former assistant chief of the Waldwick, N.J Fire Department and expert on code enforcement, he was a member of Mayor Bloomberg’s Building Code Task Force in NYC . He is the author or editor of 4 books on firefighting and fire history. Having a keen interest in historical sites and American monuments and memorials, he has served as president of the Ridgewood, NJ Historical Society and vice-president of the Waldwick, NJ Historical Society.


Joyce & Russell Mercer are the mother and step-father of FF Scott M. Kopytko, of E4/L15 who lost his life along with 13 other firefighters from the South Street Seaport fire house on 9/11. The Mercers along with Scott's only sibling, Christine Kopytko, have been involved in supporting WTC related advocacy issues since shortly after 9/11. They are original members of The Skyscraper Safety Campaign and 9/11 Parents & Families of Firefighters and WTC Victims and have participated in numerous governmental hearings and family press conferences on a variety of 9/11 related issues including the NYS Court of Appeals victory which allowed the release of the 9/11 FD tapes and transmissions.